Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year?

Most people are glad to see the end of 2009. As Jon Meacham wrote in “Newsweek”, “Things are neither as bad as many feared, nor as good as many hoped on that cold, clear noontime when Barack Obama became president.”

The economy is in a mess. We are bogged down in dreadful wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. All the Democrats and Republicans in Congress are dolts. What to do? What can we do?

Personally, my life is good. I am living in a comfortable apartment in a retirement home where I don’t have to cook, wash dishes, or clean house. I have enough income to pay the rent with enough extra to buy theater tickets and go out to dinner twice a week – if I want to. I have excellent health insurance. Yet I empathize with people who can’t find jobs and seniors who go hungry in order to buy the pills they must have to stay alive.

My grandsons are still in college. They are not among the young men getting their brains crushed and legs blown off by roadside bombs. Still, my heart aches for our servicemen and their families.

What can I do? Write my Congressman and Senators. Rant on my blog and hope someone reads and responds!

I wish everyone a happier 2010. This year I will be “Eighty-Wonderful”. At this age, a person must adjust expectations. My hope for 2010 is that I will still be here to wish you “Happy New Year” in 2011.

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