Friday, September 4, 2009

Texas. Our Texas

Once more Texans are making sure everyone laughs at our state.

Texans are proud of their independence. They defiantly proclaim, “Don’t tell me what to do,” and “You can’t teach me nuthin’.” What they don’t realize is that ignorance breeds ignorance.

The right wing floods the country with propaganda against Obama and all his programs. Many people have been seduced with horror stories about the dangers of “Socialism.” Many Texans hate Obama. Their minds are closed. They refuse to listen to anything our President has to say.

Today President Obama is to address America’s school children. He will stress the importance of education and urge our young people to obtain as much education as possible.

In Texas many children will not hear the President’s talk. Some districts will not allow the broadcast in any schools. Even children who want to hear the President will not be permitted to see and hear him in their classrooms.

What will the rest of the nation think about this?

In Texas schools the “educators” are opposed to education.

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