Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dear Nancy Pelosi

Garland, Texas
February 21, 2010

Ms. Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congresswoman Pelosi:

This is an important letter. Please do not ignore.

People are disgusted with Congress, Republicans as well as Democrats. If the Democrats want to retain control of Congress, you – as the leader of the Party – must take immediate action to restore the faith of voters in your party. Here are brief summaries of two pieces of legislation which should be introduced, as soon as your assistants can draft them:

(1) CAMPAIGN FINANCE. All funds spent by candidates for the House of Representatives should be from contributions limited to $2,000 each from adults residing in his/her district. Similarly, candidates for the Senate should be limited to contributions from residents in his/her state. Strict accounting should be written into the law.

This would “level the playing field,” putting elections back in the hands of the voters, preventing corporations and special interests from influencing elections. The National Party’s control would be lessened to giving advice, which the Party would not like. But candidates would be relieved from the burden of raising the enormous sums necessary now.

(2) INCOME TAX REFORM. The tax code must be simplified. I have several ideas about this, but the most important change should be:

Restore the 50% tax on incomes over $500.000. Please an income cap at $2,000,000.

(Anyone who claims he cannot live on $1,000,000 a year after taxes should be convicted of defrauding the American public and required to live on Social Security in a trailer park!)

To make this a little easier, 50% of income over $2,000,000 should be used, at the designation of the individual tax payer, to go to public local or state projects (i.e., school buildings, state universities, public hospitals, etc., all public projects, NOT TO RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. The other 50% should go to reducing the national debt. (Republicans can’t object to that!)

Suggestions. But important, if you want to show the people that government belongs to them.

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