Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lazy Day

This has been one of those days.  As usual Charlie woke me up at 7:00 a.m. by jumping on the bed and meowing in my face.  But I could not get out of bed. 

I had to make a choice.  To keep my kidneys functioning I need protein.  I eat two eggs for breakfast every morning.  One reason I moved into this retirement home was so I would not have to cook or wash dishes.  Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 9:00.  Finally I drug myself into the bathroom, brushed my teeth. 

I skipped my usual shower.  I needed to shampoo my hair, but I didn’t even wash my face before pulling on my blue flowered “lounger” (a kind of mou-mou).  Putting keys and cell phone in my pocket, I took the elevator down to breakfast. 

As soon as I sat down, our new waiter, David, brought my tea.  Just the way I like it: a pot of hot water with a tea bag on the side.  I like pale amber tea; Bob likes his brewed until it looks like coffee.  I ate my eggs and toast and had pleasant conversation with Bob, John, and Shirley.  I began to think I might stay alive until noon. 

As I left the dining room, an old lady stopped me and said, “That’s such a pretty dress.” 

My old baggy lounger!

She gave my spirits quite a lift.  One of those little things that make such a difference.

I came home and spent the rest of the day stretched out in my recliner, alternately dozing and hearing the television drone on and on about a hurricane approaching New Orleans and the Republicans gathering to nominate Mitt Romney. 

Tonight the hurricane will batter New Orleans and Romney will batter the President.  I can’t do anything to stop either catastrophe.  Tonight I will play bridge.  I play with Mariam, Pat, and Sue.  They are all good at the game.  We have a nice foursome. No one gets angry or upset when a partner does not hold a winning hand. 

I must go to dialysis tomorrow.  On Thursday I will do the things I should have done today. . . . Or maybe I’ll wait until Saturday.

I really enjoyed today.  A day of doing nothing.  What luxury!

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