Monday, December 3, 2012

Dear Congressman

Texans are conservative.  In the 2012 election the Democratic Party simply gave up Texas to the Republicans.  They did not support any opposition candidates.  I did not know the name of the Democratic candidate for Congress in my district until I saw a name on the ballot.    

My Congressman is a Tea Party Republican, one of those who votes “No” on everything Obama proposes.  Even since the election he refuses to compromise on anything.  I wonder if he will reply to this letter I sent him on November 30, 2012:

Congressman Jeb Hensarling
129 Cannon House Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Hensarling:

What’s with you Republicans?  Don’t you listen to the people? 

You live in North Dallas, surrounded by rich neighbors.  You attend St. Michael and All Angels, also known as St. Mink and All Cadillacs.  Are they the only ones you listen to?

I live in your district, on the border between Garland and Mesquite.  I am surrounded by blacks, Hispanics, and working class whites.  Most of them voted for you because the Democrats gave them no alternative. 

As Barnum said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time.”    Beware!

Giving your friends, the rich, more money does NOT create jobs.  That’s obvious to anyone who has really looked at what has happened in the last 12 years.  It is time for the rich to pay more taxes . . . and time for you to recognize this and vote for Obama’s tax plan. 

Under no circumstances should you vote to cut benefits – even future benefits – in Social Security and Medicare.  To do so would end your career in Congress, even in a “safe” district like yours. 

                        Yours very truly,

                        Ilene Durkalski

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